The Glow-Getters Goal Planner

“A Dream Without A Plan is just a wish”. And we’re no longer extras in this game of life. It’s all Main Character Energy from here! We are manifesting our dreams with a step by step road map for the year! This is not just any planner. This planner was created to:

-Help you strategize, set goals and manifest them for the entire year!

-Help you to your Highest Self while taking your inner child with you for the ride! 

-175-PAGE DAILY JOURNAL uses guided exercises to identify and break down your goals.  More than a small business planner, The Glow Getters Goal Planner is a roadmap to career success.

-The Month to Month layout of our guided journal planner breaks down your goals into manageable small steps.

-Start this anytime with this undated planner.

-8”x11” size and planning sections make this planner a vital Entrepreneurial book for self-starters.